Eligible candidates may apply directly to the Fortis Society. All applicants are screened based on their potential to become prominent global leaders in their fields and their history of proactively creating positive change.
Applications are screened by Fortis Members, and qualified candidates may be invited for a virtual interview. The Cooptation Circle leads the admissions process and votes on the top candidates to be inducted into the Fortis Society.
Fortis Society applicants:
Have completed an impressive undergraduate degree on full scholarship or grants, and/or have accumulated notable work experience;*
Come from humble beginnings or have demonstrated resilience in overcoming hardship (low-income family, first in family to attain higher education, migrant, etc.);
Proven record of professional success (entrepreneurship, activism, etc.), which demonstrates high potential for having a large-scale positive influence.
Successful candidates must provide a demonstrated track record of:
Empathy and altruism;
Resilience and strength of character;
Excellence in their professional endeavors;
Boundless ambition;
Clear vision and pragmatic strategy to achieve their goals.
At the time of their induction into the Fortis Society, successful candidates commit to​ the Honor Pledge, which requires each Member to:
Uphold the ideals and morals of the Society;
Strive toward an increasingly higher level of influence;
Offer reciprocal solidarity with all Members;
Strengthen the Fortis Society;
Create meaningful change.
To promote transparency, the following grading criteria will be used by application reviewers:
Each reviewer will rank the candidates on a 4 (strong) to 1 (weak) for each of the following categories. The numbers are then added to get a value out of 20. Reviewers may add additional points in recognition of special conditions.
Candidate has demonstrated success in their respective field, as may be evidenced by prestigious fellowships, awards, and honors. Candidate also goes above and beyond what is expected given their age and industry.
Candidate faced serious adversity and overcame it, continuously pursuing goals and demonstrating remarkable resiliency.
Candidate demonstrates that they continuously set ambitious goals matched with pragmatic strategies. They will show that they have taken risks, invested in themselves and their communities, and continued to strive. ​
Candidate is dedicated to helping others at a local and macro scale.​
Candidate is dedicated towards improving and shaping Fortis, and committed to collaborating with other fellows.